What are some foods that are good for the heart and some foods I should stay away from? - will wine cause black poop
I had a problem with a high stress job, which is used to produce much pain in my heart .... However, I came to change my eating habits have been able to fight many of these pains and I feel almost normal. I started to list below some of the food and drink, eat or drink (especially in the morning have ).... Please give me a list of more ... What has helped you .... not help.
Eating start eating advantage:
1. Pre-ground flaxseed ..... a tablespoon in the morning, eat out of the bag.
2. Mora's four or five.
3. Black tea with lemon.
4. Oatmeal.
5. 4 ounces of red wine.
6. Nuts.
7. Dark chocholate.
Food that made me Spaz Out (bad).
1. Soda.
2. Fried foods.
Avoid baked goods, things like bread and cakes. Do not eat too much chocolate, health benefits are questionable.
All good things to eat fatty fish, all fruits and vegetables, especially spinach, broccoli, avocado, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, all seeds - seeds of hemp, especially almonds are the healthiest nuts.
The website below tells you what's wrong with chocolate and there are also many recipes that use this type of super too.
Pomegranate juice is clarified and cholesterol plaque in the arteries
Omega 3 fish oil supplements is considered the greatest, which is since the invention of the wheel for many things well you garlic.
gud also fish for the heart
Read some information from the American Heart Association
http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.j ...
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