To those who are bothered by Bible quotes: Why do Bible quotes bother you? - bible quotes for relaxation
This is religion and spirituality section? Of course, we will quote the Bible. It is not a religion and spirituality section, when we unite with the Bible. It is, as we work to improve, the quotations from the Bible. If this bothers you, why come to this section? You're a glutton for punishment and that's not our fault. We can not help you if you want to be in poverty. We have every right to give, quotations from the Bible. This is the way that Christians learn from each other.
Hmm, if I see a Bible quote, then call the thumbs down, and .... Voila! Bother me anymore. :)
Oh, and yes, it's still that part of religion and spirituality, even if you did not quote the Bible.
I have no problem with Biblical quotations. I quote the Bible, sometimes even me ... As a rule against someone who really has the courage to say that I already know what he says. Whatever ...
Other times, people rush quoted the Bible when she was as proof of a certain kind of statement about the nature of things, or to believe what the scientists, atheists or believers of other religions, that this would be the, quote from the Bible, there are no poor credit. At this point, the game is right! When the Bible as evidence for a claim of the physical universe, or as evidence, why should anyone believe in something or support is used, then it becomes a subject of analysis and critical. This is complicated, and the believers have no right to the criticism, they look to complain about.
EDIT - KL: if they did their work could be even more difficult for Christians to condemn non-believers ", that loves the Lord, who punishes.
You see? Sample.
EDIT - Beverly, so let me get this right twice. I give the opportunity to be Godbecause he deserves it, even if the only reason that I am a sinner and that they deserve, because all hell is he? Sounds like battered wife syndrome to me. you know who plays the H *** of a spouse, then give him flowers to show how much he loves her.
Most atheists know exactly what Christians believe, because most atheists are Christians. "They know that we are right," the intellectual equivalent to eat cookies and watch romantic movies, because you're on a date.
Not that people have a problem with word of the Bible is that they have a problem with people who have to test them, use the true Bible, because he can not demonstrate anything, it's true. The Lord of the Rings "tells the story as if it were true, but do not prove this to be true.
And show a little arrogance. You talk like you believe that Christianity and preaching the article claims that it is not R & S without the quotes, the Bible. There are many other religions and spiritual practices to be, in addition to being a Christian.
It is the section of religion and spirituality, not only Christians and Christians only section. Please note.
Anyway, I have no problem with quotations from the Bible, I have many problems with the Bible in general. That is all. :) I'll be sure to keep in mind, but if you attack someone to quote the Koran or the Vedas, etc. happen ...
Well, first of all, I'm not excited to cite the Bible. I prefer to actually be given appointments in response to a question, I can read the posts from me in their context, and often find that the language in the interest of someone who is a point were destroyed. The knowledge of the text is the only way to get to the bottom of the illusions that are put on.
But then we must recognize that this section is not Christianity. It Religion & Spirituality and if you noticed maaaaaaaaany there other religions in this world.
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